Aaaaand work is canceled for tomorrow! Now what am I going to do??
Sunday, December 20, 2009
continuation of the great blizzard of aught nine
Aaaaand work is canceled for tomorrow! Now what am I going to do??
Saturday, December 19, 2009
ruby + snow
This was taken at about 10 am this morning. Now it's up to Ruby's chest and armpits. It's 3pm and we have broken the record for snow in Dec, and it's still coming down!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Harper's Ferry hike
I took myself to Harper's Ferry for a walk in the sunshine and 70 degree weather. I'm thinking it's the last time I'll get to enjoy it until March or April. The colors were still hanging on, although the rain from the week knocked off a lot. I love this place and I can't wait to explore more of West Virginia and the Shenandoahs.
Friday, November 6, 2009
October we hardly knew ye
Any who, here is a recap of the trip that I took to Indiana...
Fall colors (for you mom!) at the Purdue Research Farm, where I 'helped' Sam gather samples for work. I also helped conduct some groundbreaking wheat genetics work (ie. I put lots and lots of samples in numerical order and then weighed them).
Sam and I at an outing to a downtown bar. I miss cheap drinks and good friends.
More spotting of "the LEAF," this time on Anna (and Sam's) street. They live close enough to downtown you can walk. Although I'm not sure how they do it once it's below freezing.
Anna and me at the corn maze! It was the scariest and funniest thing I've done in a long time.
Helping to make spaetzla: German egg noodles. See? I'm GERMAN! Also, we were watching the Florida - Arkansas game on Anna's laptop, trying not to throw things (like wooden spoons) at it.
I'm so thankful that I got to spend time with friends, and I didn't have to pay for my plane ticket. I think all work conferences should follow my friends around so I can visit for cheap.
Monday, October 12, 2009
pumpkins and a pup
Before we hit the farm, we went on a hike in the park. We went up a trail with lookout in the name... we should have realized that meant hiking up a steep incline. Alex and I were huffing and puffing, while people kept passing us on the way down, completely unaffected. Little children, dads pushing strollers, old ladies smoking cigarettes. I think we chose the wrong direction to start the loop... But we got to the top and had lunch. It was a beautiful view!
Friday, October 2, 2009
dig chivalry a hole, I think it's dead
But I've noticed since moving North a definite lack in this area. Guys I've met here don't come to the door when they pick you up. It's happened to me a couple of times and happened to my roommate tonight. The guy calls or texts and says they are outside. Really? you can't walk 20 steps to my door and knock? And holding the door open... well that is truly rare. It's disheartening that my generation can't get these simple actions right. I'm all for independence, but I think these actions are more about respect than anything else. I guess I have a new standard to measure my dates and friends by.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
one this day exactly a year ago...
Friday, July 3, 2009
first crop...mocking me.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Things I miss about FL

- Cuban Sandwiches (made with REAL Cuban bread, baked with a palmetto leaf)
- small critters (lizards, frogs, bugs...) although VA has a lot of small birds, it seems to lack...
- large, crazy lookin' animals (come on. Gators, roseate spoonbills, manatees, sandhill cranes. CRAZY lookin' animals.)
- strong storms that blow through and leave that delicious smell hanging in the so-thick-you-can't-breathe air
- Sitting outside on the back porch of Tim and Terry's... Or Cafe Gardens...or any of our other regular restaurants in the 'ville.
- Satchel's (could be covered by point above. but so good and missed so much, it deserves it's own bullet.)
- Publix
- Beaches within a 1.5 hour drive
- sandy soil
- Gators in the water
- Gators on your plate
- Dillard's shoe department
- The crazy wackos that make FL their home (seriously, I always suspected we tipped the scales with the crazy, but now I know I was right. I think it's the combination of being Southern, the heat, and the swamps. All of which I love.)
- Old orange groves
- eating watermelon, while floating in the lake
- Old Florida souvenir stands
- Spanish moss smothering oaks (THAT'S what is wrong with these trees... they are naked)
- Boiled peanuts (I want some. right now.)
- Floating on the river/springs (preferably with boiled peanuts)
- The culture that has sprung up that is uniquely Florida. It's Southern, but done from the swamps.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Garden Update
Thursday, May 14, 2009
my own little piece of land
On to the bed! I got the boards cut to size - untreated wood of course.

In which we eat a lot of cake, shaped like a cup
We also conducted a terribly unofficial survey of cupcakeries in DC. We visited 2 of the 4 I know of: Red Velvet in Pen Quarter and Georgetown Cupcake in Georgetown. Georgetown was the ultimate winner. It's a good thing that that store is difficult for me to get to... otherwise I would be an expert.
I went to work.
explored some woods/beach like area
had a birthday
had some visitors
planted a garden
That seems to sum up the last couple of weeks of my life. I also got my VA drivers license and my new VA GATOR tags! They have the old UF logo on them. I love them.