Friday, July 3, 2009

first crop...mocking me.

Some of my salad greens with some smothered steak and potatoes. I haven't bought salad in about a month and hopefully can keep it up.

I also picked my first zucchini... except it wasn't a zucchini. I've been growing cucumbers. I checked my tag. They were supposed to be zucchini. I should have been paying attention, but it wouldn't really matter because by the time I would have noticed it wasn't the right color, or shape it would have been too late to replant. And I don't know what the foliage looks like for either, since I have never grown them.
It wouldn't be a problem, except I don't like cucumbers. And I can't cook with cucumbers. This one turned out exceptional. If I liked cucumbers. I guess I have something to share with my neighbors and coworkers without having to save any for myself. But my tomatoes are coming along nicely and I should be able to pick my first cherry variety tomorrow.

1 comment:

Dawn McKinstry said...

I feel your pain. We're being overrun with cucumbers right now too, and I don't like them either. Luckily I like pickles. And with Bill on his canning kick, we must have 12 jars of different kinds of pickles. Turns out, pickles aren't that hard to can - if you want to try.